Bearing Suffix Conclusion – T-Blog, Your Bearing Wikipedia

Bearing Suffix Conclusion


/..: Standardized rolling bearings with uncoded inner diameters

A: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 30° contact angle

AC: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 25° contact angle

ACD: Single row angular contact ball bearing, optimised internal design, 25° contact angle

ADA: Double row full complement cylindrical roller bearing with wide snap ring grooves in outer ring, two inner ring halves held together by U-shaped retaining ring

AS: Needle roller bearing with lubrication hole(s) in outer ring. A figure following the AS indicates the number of holes

ASR: Needle roller bearing with annular groove and lubrication hole(s) in outer ring. A figure following the ASR indicates the number of holes

Axx(x): A combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design, which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes

B: Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions. As a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing or bearing series

Examples: 7210 B Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle

32210 B Taper roller bearing with steep contact angle (steeper than 32210)

BE: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle and optimised internal design

BEJ: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle and optimised internal design, with ball centred pressed steel cage

BEM: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle and optimised internal design, with machined brass cage

BEP: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle and optimised internal design, with moulded cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66

BEY: Single row angular contact ball bearing with 40° contact angle and optimised internal design, with ball centred pressed brass cage

Bxx(x): B combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design, which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes

Example: /B20 Reduced width tolerance

C: 1. Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions. As a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing.

Examples: 7210 C — Single row angular contact ball bearing with 15° contact angle

BSA 205 C — Spherical roller bearing with flangeless inner ring, symmetrical rollers, loose guide ring and pressed steel cage

2. Y-bearing with cylindrical outside diameter, e.g. YET 205 C

CA: 1. Spherical roller bearing of C design, but with retaining flanges on inner ring and machined cage

2. Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in back-toback, face-to-face or tandem arrangement. When arranged back-to-back or face-to-face there will be a slight axial clearance

CAB: Spherical roller bearing of CA design but with pierced rollers and pin-type cage

CABC: Spherical roller bearing of CAB design but with enhanced roller guidance and correspondingly reduced friction

CAC: Spherical roller bearing of CA design but with enhanced roller guidance and correspondingly reduced friction

CB: Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in back-to-back, face-to-face or tandem arrangement. When arranged back-to-back or face-toface there will be an axial clearance greater than CA

CC: 1. Spherical roller bearing of C design but with enhanced roller guidance and correspondingly reduced friction

2. Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in back-toback, face-to-face or tandem arrangement. When arranged back-to-back or face-to-face there will be an axial clearance greater than CB

CD: Single row angular contact ball bearing, optimised internal design, 15° contact angle

CN: Normal internal clearance, normally only used together with a second letter which identifies a reduced or displaced clearance range, sometimes we say C0

Examples: /CNH Upper half of Normal clearance range

/CNM Two middle quarters of Normal clearance range

/CNL Lower half of Normal clearance range

/CNP Upper half of Normal and lower half of C3 clearance

CV: Full complement cylindrical roller bearing with modified internal design

2CS: Sheet steel reinforced rubbing seal of nitrile rubber (NBR) at both sides of spherical roller bearing; a figure following CS indicates a change of design or material, e.g. -2CS2 sheet steel reinforced rubbing seal of fluoro rubber (FPR) at both sides of spherical roller bearing

2CSW: Sheet steel reinforced rubbing seal of nitrile rubber (NBR) at both sides of spherical roller bearing. Without lubrication groove and holes in the outer ring

C1: Bearing internal clearance smaller than C2

C2: Bearing internal clearance smaller than Normal

C3: Bearing internal clearance greater than Normal

C4: Bearing internal clearance greater than C3

C5: Bearing internal clearance greater than C4

A letter (H, M, L or P) following the clearance class is used to indicate that the clearance range is reduced or displaced, see under CN

C01: Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for inner ring

C02: Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for inner ring, smaller than C01

C023: C02 + C3

C03: Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for outer ring

C04: Reduced running accuracy tolerance range for outer ring, smaller than C03

C05: C01 + C03

C06: C02 + C03

C07: C01 + C04

C08: C02 + C04

C083: C02 + C04 + C3

C084: C02 + C04 + C4

D: Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions; as a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing or bearing series

Examples: 3310 D Double row angular contact ball bearing with 45° contact angle; K 40×45×17 D Split needle roller and cage assembly (radial)

DB: Two single row deep groove ball bearings, single row angular contact ball bearings or single row taper roller bearings matched for mounting in a backto-back arrangement; the letter(s) following the DB indicate the magnitude of the axial internal clearance or preload in the bearing before mounting; for paired taper roller bearings the design and arrangement of the intermediate rings between the inner and/or outer rings are identified by a two-figure number which follows immediately after DB

A — Light preload (angular contact ball bearings)

B — Preload greater than A (angular contact ball bearings)

C — Preload greater than B (angular contact ball bearings)

CA — Small axial internal clearance (deep groove and angular contact ball bearings

CB — Axial internal clearance greater than CA (deep groove and angular contact ball bearings)

CC — Axial internal clearance greater than CB (deep groove and angular contact ball bearings)

CG — “Zero” clearance (taper roller bearings)

C… — Special axial internal clearance (the figures following the C give the magnitude of the axial clearance in µm)

GA — Light preload (deep groove ball bearings)

GB — Preload greater than GA

G… — Special preload (the figures following the G give the magnitude of the preload in daN)

DF: Two single row deep groove ball bearings, single row angular contact ball bearings or single row taper roller bearings matched for mounting in a faceto-face arrangement; the letter(s) following the DF are explained under DB

DG: Two single row angular contact ball bearings for universal pairing, i.e. paired for mounting in a back-to-back, face-to-face or tandem arrangement; supplementary designations for axial internal clearance and preload are explained under DB

DH: Single direction thrust bearing with two housing washers

DR: Two single row deep groove ball bearings or cylindrical roller bearings paired to achieve even radial load distribution

DS: 1. Single direction thrust bearing with two shaft washers

2. Split radial needle roller and cage assembly

DT: Two single row deep groove ball bearings, single row angular contact ball bearings or single row taper roller bearings matched for mounting in a tandem arrangement; for paired taper roller bearings the design and arrangement of the intermediate rings between the inner and/or outer rings are identified by a two-figure number which follows immediately after DT

D8: Deep groove ball bearing of open design, also available as standard with shields or seals, but without seal recesses in the outer ring

E: Deviating or modified internal design with same boundary dimensions; as a rule the significance of the letter is bound to the particular bearing or bearing series; usually indicates reinforced rolling element complement

EC: Single row cylindrical roller bearing with optimised internal design

Exx(x): E combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design, which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes

F: Machined steel or special cast iron cage; different designs or materials are identified by a figure following the F

FA: Machined steel or special cast iron cage; outer ring centred FB Machined steel or special cast iron cage; inner ring centred

2F: Y-bearing with plain flinger at both sides

G: Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in a back-toback, face-to-face or tandem arrangement; when mounted back-to-back or face-to-face, the bearing pair will have a small axial clearance

GA: Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in a back-toback or face-to-face arrangement; when mounted the bearing pair will have a slight preload

GB: Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in a back-toback or face-to-face arrangement; when mounted the bearing pair will have a preload greater than GA

GC: Single row angular contact ball bearing for universal pairing in a back-toback or face-to-face arrangement; when mounted the bearing pair will have a preload greater than GB

Gxx: Lubricating grease, a second letter after the G indicates the operating temperature range and a third letter identifies the actual grease; the significance of the second letter is as follows:

E — Extreme pressure grease

F — Food compatible grease

H, J — High temperature grease, –20 to +130 °C

L — Low temperature grease, –50 to +80 °C

M — Medium temperature grease, –30 to +110 °C

W, X — Low/high temperature grease, –40 to +140 °C

A figure following the three-letter grease code indicates that the filling degree deviates from the standard: 1, 2 and 3 indicate smaller than standard, 4 to 9 a larger fill

Examples: GEA Extreme pressure grease, standard fill

GLB2 Low temperature grease, 15 to 25 % fill

H: 1. Pressed steel cage (snap-type), hardened

2. Needle roller bearing without inner ring with reduced inside diameter (under rollers) tolerance; followed by tolerance limits in µm, e.g. /H+20+27

HA: Case hardened bearing or bearing component; for closer identification HA is followed by one of the following figures

0 — Complete bearing

1 — Outer and inner rings

2 — Outer ring

3 — Inner ring

4 — Outer ring, inner ring and rolling elements

5 — Rolling elements

6 — Outer ring and rolling elements

7 — Inner ring and rolling elements

HB: Bainite hardened bearing or bearing component; for closer identification HB is followed by one of the figures explained under HA

HC: Hybrid bearing with steel rings and ceramic rolling elements

HE: Bearing or bearing component of vacuum remelted steel; for closer identification HE is followed by one of the figures explained under HA

HM: Martensite hardened bearing or bearing component; for closer identification, HM is followed by one of the figures explained under HA

HT: Grease for high temperatures (–20 to +130 °C), followed by a two-figure number which identifies the actual grease; grease quantities which differ from the standard fill are identified by a letter following HTxx:

A — Grease quantity less than standard

B — Grease quantity greater than standard

C — Grease quantity greater than B

More recently A, B and C have been replaced by F followed by one figure;

F1 = A, F7 = B and F9 = C; the figures have the same significance as those used with the new grease codes Gxx

HV: Bearing or bearing component of hardenable stainless steel; for closer identification HV is followed by one of the figures explained under HA

IS: Needle roller bearing with lubricating hole(s) in inner ring; a figure following; IS identifies the number of holes

ISR: Needle roller bearing with annular groove and lubricating hole(s) in inner ring; a figure following ISR identifies the number of holes

J: Pressed steel cage, unhardened; different designs or materials are identified by a figure, e.g. J1

JHA: Pressed steel cage, hardened, outer ring centred

JR: Pressed steel cage consisting of two flat unhardened washers riveted together (for large thrust bearings)

JW: Pressed steel cage, unhardened, welded

K: Tapered bore; taper 1:12 on diameter

K30: Tapered bore; taper 1:30 on diameter

L: Machined light alloy cage; different designs or materials are identified by a figure, e.g. L1

LA: Machined light alloy cage, outer ring centred

LB: Machined light alloy cage, inner ring centred

LHT: Grease for low and high temperatures (–40 to +140 °C), followed by a twofigure number which identifies the actual grease; grease quantities which differ from the standard fill are identified by a letter following LHTxx, or by Fx as explained under HT

LO: Bearing without preservative, but coated with low viscosity oil; the actual oil is identified by figures following the LO, e.g. LO10

LP: Light alloy window-type cage, with punched or reamed pockets, inner or outer ring centred

LPS: As LP but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces

LS: Land riding seal at one side of bearing; rubbing seal, usually of sheet steel reinforced synthetic rubber, seals against inner ring shoulder

2LS: LS seal at both sides of bearing

LT: Grease for low temperatures (–50 to +80 °C), followed by a two-figure number which identifies the actual grease; grease quantities which differ from the standard fill are identified by a letter following LTxx or by Fx as explained under HT

M: Machined brass cage; different designs or materials are identified by a figure, e.g. M2

MA: Machined brass cage, outer ring centred

MAS: As MA but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces

MB: Machined brass cage, inner ring centred

MBS: As MB but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces

ML: Machined brass window-type cage, inner or outer ring centred

MO: Bearing without preservative, but coated with medium viscosity oil; the actual oil is identified by figures following the MO, e.g. MO10

MP: Machined brass window-type cage, with punched or reamed pockets, inner or outer ring centred

MPS: As MP but with lubrication grooves in the guiding surfaces

MR: Machined brass window-type cage, roller centred

MT: Grease for medium temperatures (–30 to +110 °C), followed by a two-figure number which identifies the actual grease; grease quantities which differ from the standard fill are identified by a letter following MTxx, or by Fx as explained under HT

N: Snap ring groove in outer ring

NR: As N but with snap ring

N1: One locating slot in outer ring

N2: Two locating slots in outer ring at 180° to each other

P: Moulded glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6,6 cage

PH: Moulded cage of polyether ether ketone (PEEK GF16)

PP: Nitrile rubber rubbing seals at both sides of track runner bearing

P4: Dimensional and running accuracy to ISO tolerance class 4 (better than P5)

P4A: Dimensional accuracy to ISO tolerance class 4 and running accuracy to ABMA tolerance class ABEC 9

P5: Dimensional and running accuracy to ISO tolerance class 5 (better than P6)

P6: Dimensional and running accuracy to ISO tolerance class 6 (better than Normal)

P43 — P4 + C3

P52 — P5 + C2

P62 — P6 + C2

P63 — P6 + C3

PA9: Dimensional and running accuracy to ABMA tolerance class ABEC 9 (better than P4)

PA9A: As PA9

PA9B: As PA9 but running accuracy better than ABMA tolerance class ABEC 9

Q: Optimised internal geometry and surface finish of taper roller bearings

QBC: Set of four matched deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; two bearings arranged back-to-back with the other two arranged outside the backto-back pair in tandem with them, i.e. two tandem pairs arranged back-toback

QBT: Set of four matched deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; two bearings arranged back-to-back and the other two in tandem at one side of the back-to-back pair, i.e. three bearings in tandem and back-to-back with fourth bearing

QE5: Special electric motor quality (no longer used)

QE6: Special electric motor quality (no longer used)

QFC: Set of four matched deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; as /QBC but with central pair arranged face-to-face, i.e. two tandem pairs arranged face-to-face

QFT: Set of four matched deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; as /QBT but with face-to-face pair at one side, i.e. three bearings in tandem and faceto-face with fourth bearing

QR: Set of four single row deep groove ball or cylindrical roller bearing matched for equal distribution of radial load

QT: Set of four matched deep groove or angular contact ball bearings arranged in tandem

R: 1. External flange on outer ring

2. Crowned runner surface of support rollers

RF: Rubberised flinger (pressed steel flinger with vulcanised rubber sealing lip) at one side of Y-bearing

RS: Rubbing seal of nitrile rubber at one side of bearing (needle roller bearings)

RS1: Rubbing seal of nitrile rubber with sheet steel reinforcement at one side of bearing

RS1Z: Rubbing seal of nitrile rubber with sheet steel reinforcement at one side and one shield at the other side of the bearing

RS2: Rubbing seal of fluoro rubber with sheet steel reinforcement at one side of bearing

RZ: Low-friction rubbing seal of nitrile rubber with sheet steel reinforcement at one side of bearing

2RF: RF flinger at both sides of Y-bearing

2RS: RS seal at both sides of bearing (needle roller bearing)

2RS1: RS1 seal at both sides of bearing

2RS2: RS2 seal at both sides of bearing

2RZ: RZ seal at both sides of bearing

SM: Needle roller bearing with grease. The two-figure number following identifies the actual grease

SORT: Tolerance grade of needle rollers of a needle roller and cage assembly; the figures following give the actual limits in µm, e.g. /SORT-2-4

SP: Special tolerance class for machine tool spindle bearings; dimensional accuracy approximately to ISO tolerance class 5 and running accuracy approximately to ISO tolerance class 4

S0: Bearing rings (or washers) dimensionally stabilised for use at operating temperatures up to +150 °C

S1: Bearing rings (or washers) dimensionally stabilised for use at operating temperatures up to +200 °C

S2: Bearing rings (or washers) dimensionally stabilised for use at operating temperatures up to +250 °C

S3: Bearing rings (or washers) dimensionally stabilised for use at operating temperatures up to +300 °C

S4: Bearing rings (or washers) dimensionally stabilised for use at operating temperatures up to +350 °C

T: Machined fabric reinforced phenolic resin cage

TA: Machined fabric reinforced phenolic resin cage, outer ring centred

TB: Machined fabric reinforced phenolic resin cage, inner ring centred

TBT: Set of three matched single row deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; two bearings arranged back-to-back and the third in tandem

TFT: Set of three matched single row deep groove or angular contact ball bearings; two bearings arranged face-to-face and the third in tandem

TH: Machined cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin

TN: Moulded cage of plastic; different designs or materials are identified by a figure following the TN

Example: TN9 Moulded cage of glass fibre reinforced polyamide 66

TR: Three single row deep groove ball or cylindrical roller bearings, matched to give equal distribution of radial load

TT: Set of three matched single row deep groove or angular contact ball bearings arranged in tandem

U: 1. Y-bearing without locking collar

2. Y-bearing locking collar without grub screw

UP: Special tolerance class for machine tool spindle bearings; dimensional accuracy approximately to ISO tolerance class 4 and running accuracy better than ISO class 4

V: Full complement bearing (without cage)

VH: Full complement bearing with non-separable roller complement (cylindrical roller bearings)

VGS: Inner ring raceway of cylindrical and needle roller bearings pre-ground only, for cylindrical roller bearings replaced by /VU001

VU001: Preground raceways

Vxxxx(x): V combined with a second letter and followed by a three or four-figure number identifies variants of the standard design, which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes; the second letter identifies a variant group:

Examples: VA — Application oriented variants

VB — Boundary dimension deviations

VE — External deviations and some internal deviations

VQ — Quality, dimensions, accuracy, vibration etc.

VS — Clearance and preload

VT — Lubrication

VA201: Bearing for hot applications (e.g. kiln trucks)

VA301: Bearing for traction motors

VA701: Bearing for papermaking machines

W: Bearing without relubrication facility

W20: Three lubrication holes in outer ring

W26: Six lubrication holes in inner ring

W33: Annular groove and three lubrication holes in outer ring

W33X: Annular groove and six lubrication holes in outer ring

W513: Six lubrication holes in inner ring and annular groove and three lubrication holes in outer ring

W518: Six lubrication holes in inner ring and three lubrication holes in outer ring

W64: “Solid Oil” lubrication

W77: As W33 but with three holes plugged

X: 1. Boundary dimensions altered to conform to ISO standards

2. Cylindrical runner surface (support rollers, cam followers)

Y: Pressed brass cage; different designs or materials are identified by a figure following the Y, e.g. Y1

Z: 1. Combined needle roller bearings with cover

2. Shield (non-rubbing seal) at one side of bearing

2Z: Z shield at both sides of bearing

ZW: Double row needle roller and cage assembly


  • Paweł Szulc 2020-05-19 at 17:41

    Damn great!

  • Stephen Reus 2020-05-22 at 10:46

    It looks really good

  • Steven Mcqueen 2020-05-22 at 13:45

    It’s a great work

  • Steve. L 2020-05-25 at 13:24

    It’s great useful for me. Thanks for share.

  • Allen Williams 2020-05-27 at 14:09


  • Amira Ponte 2022-04-24 at 15:50

    Basic but helpful, thanks!

  • Ahmad Bilal 2022-04-24 at 15:50

    It is very useful.

  • Alimiyan Nakhwa 2022-04-24 at 15:51

    It’s very great information and I learned from these, will follow in future.

  • Irwan nugroho 2022-04-24 at 16:21

    Very useful sharing~

  • Heidi Hopkins 2022-04-24 at 16:22

    Great 👍

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