8 Cases of Nonconforming Bearings You Should Avoid – T-Blog, Your Bearing Wikipedia

8 Cases of Nonconforming Bearings You Should Avoid

  1. Bearings made by normal steel or carbon steel, or even repaired from defective ones, e.g. GCr15 V.S. GCr9…
  2. Unqualified bearings counterfeit big brand products, from bearing marking to outside packaging & quality certification.
  3. The seller counterfeits authorized distributor or sales office of big brands.
  4. The seller sells second-hand products but at best quality price.
  5. The seller passes normal grade to high-grade ones.
  6. The seller mixes up or adulterates products, passes fake imitations for genuine.
  7. Fake price: fake bearings in authentic price, authentic bearings in high price.
  8. If buyer request cheap price, the seller gives bad bearings; if requested high quality, the seller gives qualified ones.

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