June 2020 – T-Blog, Your Bearing Wikipedia
Upgrading TYN Cages

The majority of angular contact bearings use phenolic type cages and these are exceptional good for a wide range of conditions and particularly for high-speed since they are outer ring located. However, there are advantages to using TYN cages in certain applications, particularly in grease lubrication. TYN is a polyamide material and this cage is designed to be ball guided. Reduced Cage Noise In certain applications cage noise can occur in grease lubricated bearings. This is due to friction between the ballsurface and the cage guide surface; this can be particularly noticed in cold conditions. The TYN cage design eliminates this due to the very low friction quality of the material and good vibration absorption characteristics as well as improvements in the cage shape. The test data up shows the comparison of the Phenolic and Polyamide cage: Longer Grease Life-Shorter ‘Running In’ Time Grease life is longer because there is more internal space for the grease to collect in and because the grease can clear the rotating parts more quickly, the running in time is reduced Cage Guiding Contact: More grease space with TYN. Less grease pushed out of bearing, therefore, longer life. Shorter running in time compared to Phenolic…

TBB Needle roller bearing–What you want we all have
Bearing knowledge / 2020-06-04

No one knows who invented the planetary gearbox, but it has been in use since the 15th century.Planetary Gearboxes is an old mechanics fundamental that is still being used for new eading innovative technology like 3D printing, and new methods of transport. Planetary gearbox consist of an internal toothed ring gear to which are set 3 planets mounted on the planet carrier engaging also with the sun gear and reduced output speed is taken through planet carrier and ring gear is remain stationary.Output shaft maintaining the same direction of rotation as Input. How bearing behavior in a planetary gear : Salient Features of Planetary Gearbox: High reduction ratios, high-efficiency long Life, space-saving compactness, higher overload capacity, reliable service, greater stability, compact and co-Axial sturdy,no-self locking property,load distribution among planetary gears. Needle roller bearing is used in the planetary gear mechanism used in the advance/retraction switching mechanism of the CVT.While a large centrifugal force is generated in the planetary gear during high-speed operation an extended service life and a small torque are realized through adoption of the special heat treatment shaft and cage and rollers of a strong retainer. TBB Needle roller bearing have the features of low cross section and…